Tax return in the Netherlands
This form is intended for people who want to settle tax in the Netherlands.
Tax return in Poland
Using this form, you can order a tax settlement in Poland.
Insurance benefit (Zorgtoeslag)
This form is for people who want an insurance benefit (zorgtoeslag).
Rent supplement (Huurtoeslag)
If you want an rent supplement (huurtoeslag), please complete this form.
Stop or change benefits
If you want to stop receiving a benefit or change your data, please report it by completing this form.
Health insurance
Using this form you can arrange health insurance in the Netherlands.
Unemployment benefit
This form is for you if you want to receive unemployment benefits.
Road tax
This form is for you if you want to pay MRB (motor vehicle tax).
BPM tax
This form is for you if you want to pay BPM tax (tax on cars and motorbikes).
Certificate of income from Poland
Fill out this form if you need a proof of income from Poland.
Account number notification / change
If you want to report your account number to belastingdienst, this form is for you.