Insurance benefit

Do you need help?


Tax return
Benefits to insurance, rent, family
Family allowances
Unemployment benefit
Administration of one-person companies

In the Netherlands, you can apply for a health insurance benefit - zorgtoeslag. The application is submitted to the tax office - Belastingdienst. The granting of the allowance depends on your income. The lower the income, the higher the health insurance benefit.

Do you want to apply for a health insurance benefit? Fill HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFIT FORM – and I'll deal with your request.

Don't forget!

If you already receive an insurance benefit every month and your situation has changed (e.g., you have a higher income, you have got married, you have interrupted your insurance) please send me a notification via the form and I will forward these changes to Belasting. This will prevent you from having to pay back the overpaid benefit.

Do you have other questions about the insurance benefit? Check the FAQ section – frequently asked questions. You will probably find the answer to your question there.


Please consider in the following periods I will be not available.

01-03-2025 till 10-03-2025

26-04-2025 till 12-05-2025


Marta Miler

I have started to accept the application forms in order to do the tax statements about 2024. Be welcome to fill in the forms




If you were not registered in the Netherlands in 2024 or were registered only for part of the year and in the previous year (2023) you had arranged a certificate of (zero or low) income from your country and your situation has not changed, i.e. you still have no income from your country (or the income was very low), then you do not have to arrange a certificate of income about 2024 again.

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