Tax settlement rules for people not registered in the Netherlands

Under certain conditions, it is possible to declare yourself as a foreign resident who is entitled to the same tax discounts and deductions as a Dutch resident.

  1. If at least 90% of your total gross income was taxed in the Netherlands (at least 90% of your income was earned from the Netherlands).
  2. If you have a certificate of income from your country of origin (or certificate of no income).

The certificate must be sent earlier (or at the same time) as the tax return. Sending the certificate at a later date may result in the settlement not being accepted!!!

The difference in tax back could be even 500 euros if you have such a certificate.

If you have a partner, and you want to make a tax settlement with him/her together, both of you must fulfill the condition of at least 90% of the income from the Netherlands (or you earn min. 90% of the income in the Netherlands, and your partner has no income from outside the Netherlands (or very little), or both of you earn min. 90% of the income in the Netherlands). Of course, then you both have to have a certificate from your foreign tax office about your income.

What do you need to do to get such a certificate?

It depends on the rules in your country of origin, so you have to contact your tax office in your country and they will provide you with the right information.
If you need to get the certificate form, please contact me and I will send you the right form in your own language.

Please, if possible, fill in the certificate digitally (only signatures and stamps by hand), because in many cases, certificates filled in by hand are rejected because they are illegible to the Belastingdienst office.

2 thoughts on “Tax settlement rules for people not registered in the Netherlands”

  1. Greetings, i have question about tax return and certificate. I work in Netherland since 2/2020 and didn’t change my job. Last year 2022 in march month I moved on border with Netherland and Germany, where I keep my job in Netherland . All my 100% income are still from Netherland. Do I need any certificate from Germany tax authority.

    1. If you are not a citizen of the Netherlands and you are the citizen of Germany, then to get tax discount in the Netherlands you would have to prove that at least 90% of your income comes from the Netherlands. This you can do by arranging the personal income statement form Germany. This is to download form the website of Belastingdienst

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Please consider in the following periods I will be not available.

01-03-2025 till 10-03-2025

26-04-2025 till 12-05-2025


Marta Miler

I have started to accept the application forms in order to do the tax statements about 2024. Be welcome to fill in the forms




If you were not registered in the Netherlands in 2024 or were registered only for part of the year and in the previous year (2023) you had arranged a certificate of (zero or low) income from your country and your situation has not changed, i.e. you still have no income from your country (or the income was very low), then you do not have to arrange a certificate of income about 2024 again.

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